« At-Tawbah »

« Verse-129 »
فَإِن تَوَلَّوْاْ فَقُلْ حَسْبِيَ اللّهُ لا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ
English Transliteration: Fa in tavallav fa kul haasbiyaalleah(haasbiyaalleahu), lea ileaha illea hoova, aalayhi tavakkaltu va huva raabbul aarshil aazeem(aazeemi).
Now if they turn away after this, say: “Allah is Sufficient for me, there is no god but He. In Him I put my trust and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne”.