« Verse-27 »
فَقَالَ الْمَلأُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ مِن قِوْمِهِ مَا نَرَاكَ إِلاَّ بَشَرًا مِّثْلَنَا وَمَا نَرَاكَ اتَّبَعَكَ إِلاَّ الَّذِينَ هُمْ أَرَاذِلُنَا بَادِيَ الرَّأْيِ وَمَا نَرَى لَكُمْ عَلَيْنَا مِن فَضْلٍ بَلْ نَظُنُّكُمْ كَاذِبِينَ
English Transliteration: Fa kealal malaullazeena kafaroo min kaavmihee mea nareaka illea basharan mislanea va mea nareakattabaaaka illeallazeena hum areazilunea beadiyar ra’yi, va mea narea lakum aalaynea min faadlin bal nazunnukum keazibeen(keazibeena).
Then the elites of those who disbelieved from among his people said: “We do not consider you but a mortal like ourselves and we do not see any have followed (depended on) you but those who are the lowest (poorest, weakest, most helpless) of us. And we do not see in you any excellence over us; rather, we deem you liars”.