Al-Adiyat, Surah Those That Run (Qur'an: Surat-100-Al-Adiyat)

100/Al-Adiyat-1: Val eadiyeati daabhea(daabhaan)., 100/Al-Adiyat-2: Fal mooriyeati kaadhea(kaadhaan)., 100/Al-Adiyat-3: Fal mugeereati subhea(subhaan).
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Al-Adiyat, Surah Those That Run (Qur'an: Surat-100-Al-Adiyat)

Bismillaah ir rahmaan ir raheem

Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-1
100/Al-Adiyat-1: By the runners who pant.
Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-2
100/Al-Adiyat-2: Then to those that strike fast and spark.
Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-3
100/Al-Adiyat-3: Then by those that raid suddenly at dawn.
Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-4
100/Al-Adiyat-4: So thereby they raised a trail of dust.
Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-5
100/Al-Adiyat-5: Then rushed thereby into the center of an assembly.
Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-6
100/Al-Adiyat-6: Most surely human is very ungrateful to his Lord.
Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-7
100/Al-Adiyat-7: And most surely he is a witness to this.
Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-8
100/Al-Adiyat-8: And most surely his love of wealth is strong.
Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-9
100/Al-Adiyat-9: When what is in the graves are made to rise, do they not know?
Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-10
100/Al-Adiyat-10: And what is in the bosoms (all thoughts, intentions concerning the good and the evil) is gathered and made apparent.
Listen Quran: 100/Al-Adiyat-11
100/Al-Adiyat-11: Most surely their Lord that Day of Permission is the One Who is Well-Acquainted with them.
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