4/An-Nisa-171: O People of the Book! Do not exceed the limits in your religion and do not speak (lies) against Allah but (speak) the truth; the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary is only a Messenger of Allah and His Word. (Holy Spirit) conveyed that to Mary and he is a spirit (from Holy Spirit); believe therefore in Allah and His Messengers, and do not say: “Three (gods; the father, the son and the Holy Spirit) desist, it is better for you”. Allah is only one Deity. Exalt Him above having a son; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; and Allah is All-Sufficient as a Surrogate.
4/An-Nisa-172: The Messiah never abstains from being a servant of Allah nor do the angels who are near to Him. And whoever abstains and disdains becoming a servant to Him, He will gather them altogether to Himself.
4/An-Nisa-173: Then as for those who believe (who become âmenû, who wish to render their spirits back to Allah before death) and do ameliorating deeds (cleansing of their souls’ hearts), He will pay them fully their rewards; and increases for them from His Virtue; and those who abstain and disdain, will be tormented with a painful torment. And they shall not find for them, besides Allah a protecting friend and a helper.
4/An-Nisa-174: O mankind! Surely there has come to you a manifest proof from your Lord and We have sent to you a manifest Glory.
4/An-Nisa-175: Then as for those who believe (who become âmenû, who wish to render their spirits back to Allah before death) and hold fast to Him, He will cause them to enter into His (glory of) Mercy and Virtue and guide them to Sıratı Mustakîm a Path that delivers to Himself.