106/Quraysh-2: (For) He ensured their security (and comfort) during their winter and summer journeys (migration).
106/Quraysh-3: So let them become servants to the Lord of this House (the Ka’bah in Makkah).
106/Quraysh-4: That He has fed them against hunger and has made them safe from fear.
107/Al-Ma'un-3: And does not encourage to feed the needy (the poor, the one who is unable to work).
107/Al-Ma'un-7: And prevent Al-Mâ’ûn (the mutual assistance and the poor-rate).
108/Al-Kawthar-3: Surely he who hates you (stating that you do not have future off-springs) is the one who is Ebter (does not have future off-springs).