91/Ash-Shams-6: And to the earth and the One Who spread it, extended it and made it livable.
91/Ash-Shams-7: And (by) the soul and the One Who designed it (so that it can transfer to the best within seven stages).
91/Ash-Shams-8: Then He inspired it (the soul) its Fujûr (wickedness) and its Takwâ (piety).
91/Ash-Shams-9: Whoever had cleansed it (his soul’s heart) had reached Salvation.
91/Ash-Shams-10: And whoever had tried to cover its (his soul’s) vices (had not cleansed his soul), had been in Loss.
91/Ash-Shams-11: (The people of) Thamûd belied (Allah’s Messenger) because of their depravity.
91/Ash-Shams-12: When the most ungrateful of it (the city) rose up (to slaughter the camel).
91/Ash-Shams-13: Then Allah’s Rasul (Messenger) said to them: “That is Allah’s camel and give its water (comply with its turn of drinking)”.
91/Ash-Shams-14: But they denied him. Then they slaughtered her (the camel). Their Lord covered them with torment for their sin. Then leveled it (the city).
91/Ash-Shams-15: And He (Allah) is not the One to fear its (the city’s) consequence (ruining).
92/Al-Layl-2: And to the day at the time it becomes manifest (when it begins to brighten up).
92/Al-Layl-3: And (by) the One who created the male and the female.
92/Al-Layl-4: Your effort (your striving) is most surely scattered (various).
92/Al-Layl-5: But whoever gave (for Allah’s cause) and became the owner of piety.
92/Al-Layl-7: Then We will make it easy for him (in order that He may see the Essence of Allah).
92/Al-Layl-8: And but as for him who turned stingy and considered himself self-sufficient (wealthy, free of any needs).
92/Al-Layl-10: Then, We will make for him easy which is the most difficult (the way that leads to evil).
92/Al-Layl-13: And most surely Ours is the First and the Last (the Hereafter).
92/Al-Layl-14: Here I warned you with a Fire that its burning power ever increases.