81/At-Takwir-2: And when the stars are faded (when the stars lost their energy).
81/At-Takwir-4: And when the loaded camels are let go, precious worldly materials are left behind.
81/At-Takwir-10: And when the pages (of one’s deeds) are opened (when the life films are showed).
81/At-Takwir-11: And when the heaven is stripped off (from its place) (when the curtains are lifted).
81/At-Takwir-14: Every soul shall know what it has prepared (it will see in the life film all that it has done).
81/At-Takwir-15: After this nay! I swear by ‘Hunnes’ (the central gravitational force).
81/At-Takwir-16: To the ‘Kunnes’ (that rotate in its orbit within the central gravitational force).
81/At-Takwir-19: Most surely it (the Qur’an) is the Word of the honored Rasul (Messenger).
81/At-Takwir-20: Owner of honor (high rank and prestige) in the presence of the Possessor of beyond existence.
81/At-Takwir-23: And indeed he (the Rasul) saw him (Gabriel) clearly on the horizon.
81/At-Takwir-24: And he is not the One who conceals what is revealed of the Unseen (He conveys exactly the way it is).
81/At-Takwir-28: It is for him among you who wills to be on a Direction (willing to turn to Allah).
81/At-Takwir-29: And you cannot will unless Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, wills.